Once upon a time a boy  named Frank and he got sent to prison. A dragon got sent to kill him but he slayed the dragon with his sword berger. Then he was put behind bars he didn’t get feed eventually broke out and  he sprinted down the hall then a cerberus pushed he him gates of hell and then he tripped into hell he fell and to his death.Then the cerberus closed the gates of hell then it ran down the hall and then hit his head on a door frame and died.


cats make better pets then dogs

Everyone knows that dogs make better pets then cats. because dogs exercise you  that’s why I disagree that cats are  better then dogs. let me explain dogs are clearly better then cats because cats sleep all the time and they lazy. I feel this way because dogs exercise you and can swim with you. it is clear that you can’t have as much fun with cats then you can with dogs.

we read a book about ants they were looking  for food and then they found a lunchbox there was a person stomped on them